Samanta Bullock

Samanta Bullock

Rua Luja is one of the original brands to collaborate with Samanta’s vision, that fashion should be for everyone.

Samanta first modelled Rua Luja pieces at the Kings Road pop up shop In Chelsea, London when she was first introduced to our brand.

Finding the pieces comfortable to wear whilst in a wheel chair seated position Samanta contacted us and wanted to include our brand into her dream. Once we got talking, we realised our visions are similar and have continued this collaboration and designed a small collection for the SB Shop.

A lot of thought, research and meetings with the lady herself, Samanta had to be made to be able to design a collection for the Sb shop. By using high quality fabrics, keeping in mind the stretch, the flexibility or extra zips needed for the designs for easy wear.

An educational experience for us which we are grateful for, because its not as simple to be able to order a dress online for many out there and this is why we are proud to be part of the Sb shop.

Everyone should feel fabulous in what they are wearing.

SB Shop - Diverse as you